次いで農事組合法人北総養鶏組合のほくそうGP(Grading&Packing Center)センターを訪問し、入荷された原料卵が製品卵となる様子を見学していただきました。
The egg Showa egg is selling.
Everyone producing the corn which is a raw material of feed of the chicken which is a source of the egg (origin) visited Japan.
Everyone doing corn production by the century-corn program Cargill company moves forward at the State of Illinois in the United States.
The corn one produced will be the egg how is which treated as goods and is it an end product in Japan, and being sold or, it was the chance to learn about a series of flow.
First you visited the equipment and the safekeeping silo which unload a raw material from the cereal ship which departed New Orleans in the United States in the Showa-Sangyo Kashima factory which is the group company in Ibaraki-ken Kashima-port.
You inspected the crush manufacturing equipment to combine the corn carried by a belt conveyor from a silo with other raw materials and make it feed of a chicken by Kashima-siryo which neighbors Showa-Sangyo.
The party which left Kashima had visit the poultry farm where I produce egg and the factory where washing & sterilization egg and choice wrap produced egg this time. A poultry farm visits farming association corporation Miyazawa agricultural produce. I explained the state produced under a strict control system. Next received fresh egg visited a HOKUSOU grading & packing Center of the farming association corporation Hokuso poultry farming association, and had visit the state which becomes product egg.
It was striking that you were gazing at a machine for the grading and packing seen for the first time eagerly.
It was during short time as one day, but this tour seems the one which was a very valuable chance for everyone of a producer.
I was treated and made the process whether you circulate a hit of an eye, and moreover it was egg through a chicken, and however able to have been to confirm the commercialized state it was the chance to have understand that it’s very significant to produce by a century-corn program once more after the corn one is producing at an American place reached Japan.
It was possible to visit a store of our client and deepen the understanding with a further exchange for the purpose of understanding more circulation of egg on the next day.
It’s very valuable time for us who became the host role, too, and its significant has been just re-recognized.
It was possible to reconfirm that I also spend such chance with future and am working on “egg making as which a face is seen” by everyone.
Thank you very much.
I’m looking forward to being able to meet.